Wow, what a show this is gonna be. I always tell ya’ll that this is the most controversial outdoors show out there and this week just further proves that’s the case! Off the top we are joined by the Back Country Lands Director for the Sportsman’s Conservation Project of Trout Unlimited- Dave Glenn. The current administration has moved to pass HR 1581- a piece of legislation that would allow for new roadways and increased access to some of the last remaining tracts of pristine, unmolested tracts of public land in the Western United States. These remote wide open spaces are still the way Teddy Roosevelt envisioned them and untouched habitat means better fishing and bigger bucks/bulls. Here is Dave with a nice Wyoming bull elk strapped to his horse:


Then we crank it up even more when Texas Fish & Game Magazine Editor & Chief Don Zaidle drops in talk about his latest article “TPWD In A Deal With The Devil?” The article focuses on TPWD’s decision to work with the HSUS (Humane Society of the United States). HSUS is the biggest anti-hunting faction in the world and TPWD has pledged to match up $10,000 to partner with HSUS in an effort to find non-lethal means of dealing with the nuisance feral donkey herds that are destroying areas of Big Bend State Park. The burros are an invasive species and policy has always been to exterminate them on site- well until the olive branch between TPWD and HSUS became evident. Don is fired up and I guarandamntee ya I am as well! Feral burros compete with native species such as big horn sheep and deer for food and habitat in Big Bend:


We then cap things off when our longtime friend and angler Stan Nabozny stops in. Stan holds over 150 IGFA world fishing records and just received their Lifetime Achievement Award so to say he is the most well rounded and versatile angler in Texas is pretty much spot on. He plans on going after a few tarpon records this summer. Stan has been tarpon fishing the Texas coast for many years now and he talks about this rejuvenated fishery. Tarpon are beloved by anglers for their fierce fighting spirit and majestic jumps:
