This is my favorite weekend of the year as the Texas Waterfowl Season and General Rifle Season for whitetail deer open up! Now is the time to get out and try to nail that trophy buck as the pre-rut has or will be starting shortly throughout much of Texas. Does are starting to come into estrous and that means the big boys are on the move checking them. Often in broad daylight. Longtime whitetail hunter and Foremost Hunting’s Chris Larsen joins us to talk about the pre-rut and he give us some tips that might help you get that big buck you’re after. Look for scrapes like the one this bruiser is making:


Then Field & Stream’s Shotgun Editor Phil Bourjaily drops in to talk about one of our nation’s oldest hunting traditions- Fall Turkey. This is the Pilgrims bird folks and it can make for an awesome day in the field. Young birds and hens are extremely vocal and gobblers answer gobbles very aggressively. Sure, it’s mostly about deer this time of year- but busting up a flock of turkeys and calling them back to you can be fun and rewarding. Phil with a nice fall turkey.


Next we talk Lake Austin big bass with Bennett Cowan of San Marcos, TX. His 14.28 lb largemouth was the first sharelunker entered for the 2012-2013 season which runs from October 1st to April 30th. He caught this behemoth on a hand poured 17 inch green pumpkin worm. Bennett shares the experience of catching the fish of a lifetime with us. Congrats on a heck of a fish buddy!


And keeping with bass fishing and specifically Lake Austin, (which over the past two seasons has produced more huge bass than any Texas lake) we check in with angler Susan Kerlin who caught this 12.5 monster on the first day of the sharelunker season while bank fishing Lake Austin’s shoreline. Funny thing about this fish was that it had already been caught and entered into the TPWD Sharelunker Program last year! Unfortunately for Susan the fish wasn’t full of eggs and didn’t reach the 13 lb requirement to be entered again. But still the catch of lifetime nonetheless! My advice: if you want to catch a Sharelunker- get your butt to Lake Austin!
