We talked about it countless times, but the severity of Colorado’s hunting ban vote can’t be overstated. It will affect all of us if Colorado votes to ban sustainable use hunting. Yes, mountain lions and bobcats are on the activist menu this go round, but it won’t stop there in Colorado and a victory assures it’s coming to your state in the near future.

Conversely, if we defeat this attack on the North American model of conservation, we will have our own playbook to use in order to defeat future attempts to sabotage sustainable use going forward. Dan Gates of Coloradans For Responsible Wildlife Management makes his return to the show to update us on where we are at with only 50 something days until the election. Formerly known as Proposition 91, the actual November vote will now be labeled as Proposition 127 as the official language of the ballot initiative has been released just this week.

Dan goes over their aggressive marketing plan for October/November as we attempt to reach the non hunting voter. Will the recent failures of Colorado’s wolf reintroduction plan sway voters back towards sustainable use, or will emotions win out once again in Colorado?