Tarif Alkhatib is no stranger to arrowing giant North Texas bucks. He holds the typical archery record for Grayson County at 199 inches. He’s also no stranger to joining us in studio to share his successes and expertise on hunting mature, booner caliber bucks. When he sent me the photo and story of this season’s Grayson buck, it was a no brainer to invite Tarif back on the show. As a member of the Team200 deer hunting TV show, Tarif has a goal. That goal is to ultimately take a 200 inch whitetail deer. So when this buck taped out at 194, Tarif was obviously disappointed – you can hear it in his voice. Most hunters would be over the moon to put a tag on this deer, sadly for Tarif, he broke off his right G2 and a kicker the day before he shot him.

All that aside, there’s an interesting back story with this buck’s pattern. He only showed up on Tarif’s farm in November and lived elsewhere the rest of the year. So Tarif held off from hunting at all until he either found out this buck was dead, or it showed back up on his place. It’s a tale of patience and self discipline that is rarely found in a hunter. Let’s face, we like to hunt and hunt as much as possible. So when you resign yourself to sitting on the sidelines in hopes a buck will show back up, well that is what it took to kill this amazing buck, a buck that would have gone well over 210 inches a day earlier.

Lots to get into on this one!