Synopsis of Episode 43:

I don’t know how in the world we are going to fit all this into an hour but will give it our best shot… First off, November means alot of things for hunters, but its also good times for many fisherman and the striper bite is on fire at the Legendary Lake Texoma. Longtime Striper Guide Capt. John Brett drops by to give us the lowdown.

Then, with quail season underway we will check in with Texas Parks and Wildlife Upland Game Bird Program Leader Robert Perez. With the 2 year drought that plagued much of the state officially over, quail numbers should be on the rebound. Robert gives his 2010-2011 season fearless forecast and also breaks things down regionally from South Texas to the Trans Pecos and over to the Rolling Plains. Also, is there any truth to the claim that quail have multiple hatches on good years?

Robert and his German Shorthair Jester after a day in the field:

Lastly, perhaps the outdoor industry’s biggest personality drops in when we get down to business with the Bone Collector himself- Michael Waddell. Michael will be on for two whole segments and I have a million questions to ask him. This good ‘ol boy is crazy about smokin’ monster whitetails and we cover a variety of topics including: bow hunting ethics, high fence hunting, whats the best deer camp prank he ever pulled, his decision to leave Realtree, and how he got his start in the outdoor industry (among other things). I promise ya one thing- you will like this guy and he is entertaining as heck.

Michael with another monster whitetail!

It’s gonna be a good one!