We kick things off with an outside of the box culinary treat. I know, many of you will be skeptical, but weren’t we all the first time we tried Rocky Mountain Oysters?
On this week’s show we take it a step further when Greg Pavur of Pavur Outdoors jumps on to talk wild boar testicles and how they became a hunter favorite around the Pavur lodge. Keep an open mind and you’re taste buds will thank you.
Then we’re joined by Yukon/Northwest Territories guide Lorne Stourac for some harrowing bear tales from life in the Canadian bush. There is no way to sugar coat it, sometimes it comes down to the bear’s life or yours.
Lorne defines how he makes those life and death decisions in a split second’s time. When does it go from bluff charge to unloading a large caliber rifle at the bear’s head? These things are only learned though experience and I am happy to have Lorne share some of his with us.
The old boar below tried to attack Lorne. It was aged at 28 1/2 years old by a biologist, the advanced age a likely reason for his attempt on a human.
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