Shed hunting is something that I personally don’t get. Maybe it’s because we have hogs and warm weather to occupy our time in the southwest or maybe it’s because I don’t own my own land and so I don’t have the ability to watch bucks grow up from year to year.
Whatever the case, there are tons of hunters who hit the backcountry in search of discarded bone on a regular basis. I’ve followed Sam Haley’s Instagram page (@addicted2antlers) for some time now. Mostly because of his love for public land deer and elk, but also because I’m fascinated by his passion for shed hunting. I am thrilled to have Sam on the show this week to discuss all aspects of this increasingly popular past time.
(Sam with his biggest matching mule deer set)
Next, my old friends Brett Jepsen and Charles Speigel of Three Curl Outfitters drop by the studio. We dive into Three Curl’s new duck club format (they didn’t invent the wheel on this, but there’s nothing like it in North Texas). The older we get (as life and often kids take more and more time) the more precious sleep becomes. I also find battling other public land duck hunters less appealing with each passing year, yet I still want to duck hunt as much as ever. Three Curl has a great format in place for hunters with that mindset.
Then we spend a few minutes reliving some of our favorite turkey hunting moments of all time. From shooting gobblers out of mid air, to them dive bombing decoys off the roost and even toms strutting in trees. One of my favorite discussions in recent memory. Visit for more duck lease info, dove leases and turkey/deer hunts.
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