Synopsis of Episode 48:

Great stuffed planned for this broadcast. Off the top we recap my weekend in the Texas Panhandle. We hunted pheasant and sandhill cranes hard. Was it a success? We’ll get into that. Then we are joined by Quatro B Bowhunting Ranch guide Carlos Flannery. A two day exotic doe, unlimited hog hunt with lodging is part of our grand prize package for our Photo of the Year Contest, so Carlos will talk about the ranch and the accomodations that our winner will enjoy.

Then, Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever President and CEO Howard Vincent drops in talk anything and everything about pheasants. We find out how the organization is designed to specifically put money back into areas where money is raised. Also, I am really looking forward to picking Howard’s brain regarding the behavior of these birds. If we understand them better…we can but that knowledge into use out in the field and hopefully harvest more birds. Howard and his sons Marco and Ian after a day in the field:


We round out the show by visiting with TPWD’s Carl Kittel. Carl joins us to inform us about the Winter Trout Stocking Program. While trout are not native to Texas, this is a great opportunity for anglers all over the state to enjoy some great rainbow trout fishing. Over 100 lakes and ponds are stocked each winter and I am thrilled to have Carl tell us about this great program.
