
4 10, 2019

Dogs on Your Deer Lease & New Tunes, Public Land Waterfowling, Best Tasting Duck, Vegans as Friends and More with Singer/Songwriter Alex Bellin

By |2020-02-14T18:13:56+00:00October 4th, 2019|Conservation, Duck Hunting, hunting, Music|0 Comments

If you lease land for the purpose of deer hunting, then you've likely run into some kind of issue over the years. From landowners leasing it out from under you, to family members thinking they can hunt, to stolen property, poachers [...]

6 09, 2019

Hog Hunting off Horseback, Spanish Ibex and Thermal Hunting with Kaitlyn Lowes Plus Texas Country Legend Cory Morrow Live in Studio

By |2019-09-18T18:40:57+00:00September 6th, 2019|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Huntin, hunting, Music|0 Comments

Running and gunning feral hogs on horseback isn't out of the norm for our friend Kaitlyn Lowes. We've been friends through our shared relationship with Pulsar Night Vision and Thermal Imaging for some time. I respect anyone who can train a [...]

7 12, 2018

Muzzleloader Hunting Big Midwestern Bucks and Daytime Applications for Using Thermal Imaging on A Hunt

By |2019-09-05T03:57:39+00:00December 7th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

Our good friend and firearms writer Kevin Reese of Pulsar Night Vision and Thermal Imaging dropped by the studio to discuss some outside of the box applications for thermal optics. I have long been a fan of scouting with my Pulsar [...]

28 11, 2018

Big Bucks Bring Out the Worst in People, True Love on the Open Seas and Vortex Optics’ Mark Boardman on Alaskan Moose Hunting and Much More

By |2019-09-05T03:57:39+00:00November 28th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

My better half and I recently celebrated 10 years of marital bliss by taking a trip to the Dominican Republic. Being the saint that she is, Erin agreed to go offshore fishing with me while we were in the Caribbean. Unfortunately, [...]

15 11, 2018

Steven Rinella on Hunters at the Polls, The Dichotomy of State Wildlife Management on Federally Managed Lands, Worst Bite of Wild Game and More, Captain Len Girard Weighs in on Winter Trout, Redfish and Flounder & My Own Personal Deer Lease Hell

By |2019-09-05T03:57:39+00:00November 15th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

The always affable Captain Len Girard gets things going with a saltwater fishing report. We find out what the redfish and trout are hitting and where Captain Len is finding them. Also, sight casting for black drum and what to expect [...]

9 11, 2018

A Father Soaks in His Son’s First Deer Camp Experience and First Lite’s Ryan Callahan and Tag Spenst on Tag’s Alaskan Dall Sheep Hunt of A Lifetime

By |2019-09-05T03:57:39+00:00November 9th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

As a father, you experience things that leave a lasting impression when it comes to your offspring. The first time they score a goal in a soccer game, the first fish they catch and damn sure the first time they go [...]

2 11, 2018

Anti Hunting Groups Using Greyhound Racing as Guise to Attack Hunting and Fishing , Pop Up Blinds and Whitetail Hunting & Giant Midwest Bucks with Golden Triangle Whitetails

By |2019-09-05T03:57:39+00:00November 2nd, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

If you aren't aware of Florida's Amendment 13, then you will want to listen to my visit with Jack Cory of the Florida Greyhound Association. Amendment 13 is up for vote in the midterms and if passed it would end Florida's [...]

26 10, 2018

Bovine Tuberculosis in Whitetail Deer? Hunters to Play Role in Mountain Goat Removal at Olympic National Park & Elite Series Angler Hank Cherry Gives Us the Other Side of the Story Regarding Pro Bass Fishing’s Shake Up

By |2019-09-05T03:57:39+00:00October 26th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

Recently there has been quite a bit of concern over Bovine Tuberculosis being transmitted to whitetailed deer. While it's not rare in Northern states such as Michigan, I haven't heard of it in Texas yet. Many of you emailed or messaged [...]

19 10, 2018

Alaskan Do It Yourself Caribou Hunting, Dealing With Problem Grizzlies on The Tundra and No Man’s Land on Big Game Animals With Horizon Firearms’ Derrick Ratliff

By |2019-09-05T03:57:39+00:00October 19th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

On this week's show we hit the Alaskan tundra with Derrick Ratliff of Horizon Firearms. Derrick along with 3 of his buddies, recently completed a do it yourself Barren Ground Caribou hunt. Derrick gives us the low down on what gear [...]

12 10, 2018

Professional Bass Fishing’s New Direction with Brent Ehrler, Kelly Jordon and Chris Lane, Cattle Fever Tick Results in Massive Deer Cull & Dallas Safari Club’s Corey Mason on Cancelled Grizzly Hunt

By |2019-09-05T03:57:39+00:00October 12th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

If you haven't heard, professional bass fishing is going in a new direction. 80 of the sport's top pros recently announced they were leaving their respective Elite Series/FLW Tours to fish in Major League Fishing's new Bass Pro Tour. This is [...]

4 10, 2018

Female Hunters Incite Anti Hunting Community, Hank Shaw on Dove and Teal Recipes & Panhandle Pronghorn with Outfitter Clay Pope

By |2019-09-05T03:57:39+00:00October 4th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

Lifelong hunter Brittany Longoria joins the show this week. She recently made international headlines when this photo of her and a giant leopard surfaced after a recent trip to Namibia. The anti hunting community pounced and it wasn't pretty. For some [...]

28 09, 2018

The New Kopfjager Industries AMBUSH, Roundtable Discussion with Mossberg, Ducks Unlimited and Kent Cartridge & AG Exemptions for Managing Wildlife

By |2019-09-05T03:57:39+00:00September 28th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

Kopfjager Industries continues to push the envelope in precision shooting advancements. I've been a huge fan of their Reaper Grip for some time now and have had success hunting with it in a variety of applications. When I heard they were [...]

24 09, 2018

The Archery Elk Edition: Blisters, Bushwhacking, Floorless Shelters, Backcountry Food and Frontal Shots on Bugling Bulls

By |2019-09-05T03:57:40+00:00September 24th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

My longtime friend and elk hunting partner in crime Chisum Cooke makes his return to the show on the Elk Edition. We train 51 weeks of the year for one glorious week chasing bugling bulls together each fall. This is ultimately [...]

14 09, 2018

So You Want to Be in the Hunting Industry? Early Teal Tips and Jerrod Medulla Live in Studio

By |2019-09-05T03:57:40+00:00September 14th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

Early teal and resident Canada goose seasons are open throughout much of the country. With that in mind, I shed some light on how I like to hunt those little blue winged feathered rockets during September. I walk through an article [...]

30 08, 2018

What’s Up With Ducks? Senator Ted Cruz on the SAVES ACT, Upcoming Election and the 2nd Amendment & Biologist Will Mosely on Growing Season Prescribed Burns

By |2019-09-05T03:57:40+00:00August 30th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

Any waterfowler can tell you that Pintails have struggled in recent memory. But nobody seems to have a firm understanding as to why. Other puddle duck species are thriving, well above their long term averages yet the Pintail's population trend seems [...]

24 08, 2018

Early Season Elk With Ryan Callaghan and Dove Fearless Forecast with TPWD’s Owen Fitzsimmons

By |2019-09-05T03:57:40+00:00August 24th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography|0 Comments

It's almost here! September 1st will find 300,000 Texas hunters in the field with shotguns in hand. Texas Parks and Wildlife Dove Program Leader Owen Fitzsimmons jumps on the show to discuss the imminent season. We talk 2018 production, re-nesting habits, [...]

17 08, 2018

Campfire Conversation With Michael Waddell, Novice Hunter Prepares for Dall Sheep Hunt of a Lifetime & Killing Ducks Quick & Clean W/ ‘The Finisher’

By |2019-09-05T03:57:40+00:00August 17th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

Over the years, we've had some great discussions with Michael Waddell. This was unscripted visit was no exception. I really had no idea where I wanted the conversation to go, so we just winged. I think you might even hear a [...]

10 08, 2018

The Green Decoy, Shotgunning With Kent Cartridge and Digital Scouting With On X Maps

By |2019-09-05T03:57:40+00:00August 10th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

Our old friend Land Tawney - CEO of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers makes his return. We discuss a variety of topics including the #greendecoy hashtag that can be found all over social media in recent months. Land explains what the GreenDecoy [...]

3 08, 2018

Renown Nature Photographer on Why He Plans to Thwart Grizzly Bear Hunt & Going Deep For Big Bull Reds

By |2019-09-05T03:57:40+00:00August 3rd, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

You can catch them off the jetties, you can catch them in surf and you can head for open water in search of monster redfish. On this week's show we discuss chasing open water bull redfish with my longtime friend Captain [...]

26 07, 2018

14 Foot Hammerhead Causes Public Outcry, The Lone Star Tick Responsible For Red Meat Allergies in Human Victims & Namibian Prime Minister Attempts To Ban Trophy Photos

By |2019-09-05T03:57:40+00:00July 26th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography|0 Comments

Ray "Poco" Cedillo has been targeting big sharks for the better part of 2 decades. His recent hookup with this 14 foot greater hammerhead made national headlines when the fish died. Poco jumps on to set the record straight regarding land [...]

20 07, 2018

Jim Shockey on Cougar Attack and the Hand of Man Museum, Is Lab Grown Meat A Threat to Hunting? And Telling A Story From Behind the Lens With GTS Productions

By |2019-09-05T03:57:41+00:00July 20th, 2018|Conservation, Deer Hunting, Duck Hunting, Fishin, Huntin, Music, Outdoors, Photography, Uncategorized, Website|0 Comments

Memphis Meats is one of a handful of companies whose scientists are growing meat in petri dishes. They are backed by Bill Gates and Tyson Foods to name a few investors. Why should you and I be afraid as hunters, anglers [...]

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